Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Recoverable interchange processing

Summarising MSDN's definition of Recoverable Interchange processing for BizTalk.
"recoverable interchange processing feature, which allows an interchange to be processed completely even if one or more messages in the interchange fail at the following stages/phases:
  • Disassembly stage of a receive pipeline
  • XML validation stage of a receive pipeline
  • Map execution phase of a receive port"

Note following key points -
1. It works only at receive port.
2. Disassembler ("Recoverable interchange processing is a property of the disassembler component of a receive pipeline.") and XML Validation stage have property in their configuration that can be set true; BUT Map execution phase requires tweaking pipeline code by adding BTS.SuspendMessageOnMapFailure to message context. 

- Do comment and let me know if you find this helpful. :0)

Thursday, October 2, 2014

First ESB Itinerary Project

To create an itinerary :
1. Create Dynamic send port with following filters -
Microsoft.Practices.ESB.Itinerary.Schemas.ServiceName == XYZ And
Microsoft.Practices.ESB.Itinerary.Schemas.ServiceState == Pending  And
Microsoft.Practices.ESB.Itinerary.Schemas.ServiceType == Messaging

Select pipeline as - Itinerary Send PassThrough

2. Create Itinerary named as HelloWorld.itinerary
Refer -

3. Select itinerary on receive location – Select “ItinerarySelectReceive” pipeline and open pipeline properties to configure following:
ItineraryFactKey Resolver.Itinerary
ResolverConnectionString ITINERARY://name=HelloWorld;

3. Create Orchestration to be used as service
3.1 Develope .odx
3.2 Register it in ESB.config as service

Commonly faced errors and resolutions:

There was a failure executing the receive pipeline: "Microsoft.Practices.ESB.Itinerary.Pipelines.ItinerarySelectReceive, Microsoft.Practices.ESB.Itinerary.Pipelines, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=31bf3856ad364e35" Source: "ESB Itinerary Selector" Receive Port: "ReceiveXml" URI: "C:\Users\XYZ\*.xml" Reason: Parameter name cannot be null or an empty string.
Parameter name: key 
The issue was that I had the BRI string like this: BRI:// instead of BRI:\\  in the pipeline component's configuration.  The latter is the correct way.

Also, verify in your on-ramp (receive location) that you have the ItineraryFactKey property set to "Resolver.Itinerary".

ESB Itinerary Error: The published message could not be routed because no subscribers were found

Friday, June 20, 2014

CDATA Mapping

I was struggling with mapping requirement in which I needed to map input xml to CDATA section on one of string type field in output.
This one helped -

Thursday, May 15, 2014

XML Document and property promotion

I had a custom code which returned XMLDocument(xDoc). In my orchestration, I created a message of type XLANG.BaseType.Any (msgAny)
Did following -

I wanted message type to be promoted . I used trick of correlation on BTS.MessageType.
But it failed :( :(

After digging at all wrong places, I came to know that msgAny, when assigned value of xml document, it is treated as XDoc and not as XLANG type.
I developed a custom pipeline component and invoked the custom pipeline in my orchestration.
:) :)
And it worked :)

Thursday, May 8, 2014

Schema validation in BizTalk WCF Service

Input Validation in a service created using BizTalk WCF Service publishing wizard by "Exposing schema as WCF service" :

I created a WCF service by exposing  schema. To my surprise, the service created is happily accepting all types of messages - regardless of message format/target namespace.

I thought such service have inbuilt restrictions to accept specific type of messages - as per the schema type defined while generating the service.
But I was WRONG!! :( :(

Now what..I need to find out ways to get this done. :|

Trying for MSDN  help -

Monday, April 21, 2014

XML Disassembler Vs XML Validator

Validation in pipeline -

It is worth noting the difference between validation behavior of  XML Disassembler & XML Validator component.

XML Disassembler XML Validator

Validates document structure only
Validates both structure and defined restrictions
Validates against configured document schema only.
If the input message has another TargetNamespace#RootNodeName combination,
an exception will be thrown (can’t recognize the data)

Validates against schema configured.
If the input message has another TargetNamespace#RootNodeName combination, no XML validation will be performed.
If document schema is not configured, error received - "Validation can only be performed when document schemas are provided."

If document schema is not configured, it retrieves the XML definition from the BizTalkMgmtDb, at run-time, using the TargetNamespace#RootNodeName combination. And validates against the same.
If no relevant schema found for input message validation, error received - "The XML Validator cannot retrieve the document specification using the type 'XXX' "
If document schema is configured improperly(or fully qualified schema name not configured), error received - "No Disassemble stage components can recognize the data." If document schema is configured improperly(or fully qualified schema name not configured)
  "The document specification <TestSchemaWrongName> from assembly <Schemas, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=df56015ea0377400> failed to load. Verify the schema for this document specification is deployed and is in the Global Assembly Cache."
If validation fails, error received - "Validation failed." If validation fails, error received - The 'http://TestDocumentSchema:InvalidFieldName' element has an invalid value according to its data type.

One more finding - we can specify multiple schemas in property DocumentSchema. They will have fully qualified name, separated by '|' . e.g.
RnD.Schemas.Request,RnD.Schemas, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=df56015ea0377400 | RnD.Schemas.Error,RnD.Schemas, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=df56015ea0377400